The Sudarsana Arjuna’s experience of the “Sudarsana” is his own; Ramana’s realisation of “Stillness” or Patanjali’s clarity in settling down the mind into silence are all born from the ability to listen to all that which is obvious all around us as a witness; the form as well as the formless. Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu…… Sansthita;…
Insights To Success – Your Personal Gamechanger. Success- Your Personal Gamechanger. Success comes from truly who you are and not from any technique. This simple insight can change the whole way one approaches work. Success comes from truly who you are and not from any technique. This simple insight can change the whole way one…
Save The Heart Free The Heart- Breathe Free. 9/10 times you will escape a heart attack or a cardiac arrest when you breathe right. 9/10 times one will escape a heart attack or a cardiac arrest when one releases the heart from the overload from the mind. It is a known fact that happiness contributes…
Home Consecration Are you at home? This is a deep query… read on… Home is the greatest space for one to be healed The space itself must heal… If you have collected anything from outside, the space at home must be able to Cleanse it off you. A once in a lifetime learning that is…
Sacred Geometry – Initations Accessing The Dimensions/ The Initiations. The Vortex and Aishwarya Dharini. Where are we breathing from is a fundamental question that when we are aware of, we can be sure of what we are accessing from life in any given moment. It is possible to access a certain frequency that settles down…

Naadishuddhi & Mudras It is so simple to understand that when anyone suffers from a physical ailment, it simply means that a certain organ/ gland is not functioning well; and what could be the reason… very simple, lack of life force in it… Naadishuddhi is a simple process of releasing all that which are sediments…