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Sacred Geometry - Initations

Accessing The Dimensions/ The Initiations.

The Vortex and Aishwarya Dharini.
Where are we breathing from is a fundamental question that when we are aware of, we can be sure of what we are accessing from life in any given moment. It is possible to access a certain frequency that settles down within so well that all our unsettled aspects of our life progress to settling down n its own, while we truly remain a witness here.
Also we must be resourceful like a child. A child doesn’t ask for anything and yet it so effortlessly receives all that is needed. Such a state is a possibility even to us who have so much adulterated the breath. Aishwarya Dharini is an initiation that connects the breath of that dimension or a mandala from where resourcefulness becomes a way of life. One always has the resource even before the need arises.

A life free of medication is a Reality awaiting to happen to you… It simple to understand and apply. The flow of the session would be thus…

In true sense of the word it is connecting or helping one connect to a certain dimension so that the virtue of that dimension comes into access of the initiate’s breath.
One who has already walked the path. Hence the progress and experiences of the seeker is well known to the initiator.

1. Precise defining Of Yoga, Meditation, Breath, energy, spirit, dimensions, Naadis, Chakras, Praana vayus and Tattwas… just as the wise men in the mountains would teach you… followed by…

A symbol is a sacred geometry that is like a cryptic code of the dimension.
The breath accesses the dimension. Once certain fundamentals are known this is a simple insight and no rocket science.
A dimension is a certain frequency. Consciousness is like an infinitely large library and it we who choose the book we read. Our breath frequency is the match to the frequency. So, the virtue of the Vortex initiation is that certain frequency that becomes a part of ones breath and hence begins to settle anything unsettled within, reflecting the same in once experience of life.
Aishwarya Dharini is also a sacred geometry which accesses a certain dimension whose frequency is utmost clarity within. Clarity is manifest. Hence one’s relationship with life becomes so clear, just like the frequency of the breath of a just born child that all resources move towards that breath frequency.
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